“Thumbs up and liked. Confirms that the profession continues to evolve alongside the ever-changing society. All ranges of personalities can and should be able to fit the model of a CPA. Who is to say a certain personality cannot or can be what you want to become. We're blessed and privileged to live in this modern progressive society that accepts individuals of different backgrounds.”
— CPA PEP Facilitator
Closing the Loop: Active Reflection
According to learning and management sciences, a feedback loop exists to assist in learning from mistakes. Scholars agree that this loop has, at a minimum, an inciting event, reaction, and reflection.
Practice Like You Play: The Importance of Writing in Exam-Like Conditions
My former rugby coach and conditioning trainer used to tell us, “you practice like you will play”. Since hanging up my cleats, I have often wondered, did Paul know his lessons for pitch preparedness would parallel to the accounting profession?
Candidate Survey Feedback: Where does it go?
With demands from school, work, family, perhaps even a few unimpaired friendships, a candidate’s most valuable asset is often time, and we accounting educators understand this.
New Year New Utilization: Incorporating PEP module changes to your study plan
For those registered in a Winter PEP module, you will have seen a summary of administrative changes posted to your discussion board. These changes are reflected in the 2020 PEP Candidate Guide and rather than focusing on what those changes are, I’ll focus on how to use them.
The F-Word: Exploring How to Use It
Feedback. Let’s get real, receiving it can be a real ego boost, or hit, and is often a bit of both. While feedback can be difficult to receive, facilitators are your coaches, and we all have the same goal: for you to pass your exam and ultimately become a CPA.