“Thumbs up and liked. Confirms that the profession continues to evolve alongside the ever-changing society. All ranges of personalities can and should be able to fit the model of a CPA. Who is to say a certain personality cannot or can be what you want to become. We're blessed and privileged to live in this modern progressive society that accepts individuals of different backgrounds.”
— CPA PEP Facilitator
What’s in a Name? Understanding CPA PEP’s file-naming policy
As Lead Policy Advisor for CPAWSB I will admit policies sometimes leave me scratching my head. Why is this necessary? Why is this so difficult for people to follow? I have the same questions as candidates likely have.
New Facilitator Training-Virtual Edition, Part 2
When delivering the virtual training for new online facilitators, Kami, Nikki, and I made sure to provide moments where trainees could participate, communicate, share, inquire, and learn, and the formal learning interactions occurred as expected. What was missing were the impromptu social experiences that typically happen naturally when a group of like-minded individuals gathers.
New Facilitator Training-Virtual Edition, Part 1
If you’re nearing the end of your CPA studies, you may be thinking about sitting on the other side and becoming a facilitator. What exactly does New Facilitator training look like?
Career Progression, Part 3: Moving on
We each have our limits, and it’s important to know when we can tap into our energy reserves and when we must replenish them. The advice I follow is to say “yes” until I no longer am excited about saying “yes”. My lack of enthusiasm indicates I either had too much on the go, or it isn’t the right opportunity for me.
Career Progression, Part 2: Create Value
We know businesses with multiple sources of income tend to be less “risky”. Ideally, those streams of income complement the natural business cycle, like a landscaper who in the winter, plows snow. As CPAs, we analyze the health of a business, conclude and advise ways to mitigate risks, yet why do so many of us choose to focus all of our efforts on one source of income?
Career Progression, Part 1: The end, a new beginning
Traditionally, career progression has been referred to as “climbing the corporate ladder”, while recent metaphors include a jungle gym and coloured parachutes. Except, what happens when you don’t know if you want a ladder, jungle gym, or parachute?
A Message for the May 2021 CFE writers
You have done enough; no candidate has ever mentioned they feel like they have completed their studies, much like we never quite feel ready to make an important presentation. You can execute your plan and ensure you can bring your best come exam day.
Mentorship: This is coffee
A hunter and a vegetarian walk into a boardroom for an interview that would lead to the start of my accounting career. I will get to that, but first I want to discuss mentorship.
Capstone 2: FAQs and resources explained
Over the past few weeks, some questions have arisen on the candidate discussion board regarding the resources available in Capstone 2.
The Common Final Exam (CFE): Are you ready?
I want to preface this piece by saying the way I envisioned the message being received was similar to when our yoga teacher guides us to set our intention at the beginning of class. Was every minute of practice suddenly sunshine and rainbows? Nope, and neither will Capstone 2.
No D in firm: Should a dominant personality stay in public practice?
I took the DiSC profile test, was 100% truthful and ended up bang smack in the middle of D. My “report card” from middle-school reads just as discussed in this blog! Ha.
Do you even Accountant? The right personality for CPA PEP
My grade school report cards read: Does well on tests, but she talks too much. Creative, but she talks too much. Good energy, but…you get the point.