“Thumbs up and liked. Confirms that the profession continues to evolve alongside the ever-changing society. All ranges of personalities can and should be able to fit the model of a CPA. Who is to say a certain personality cannot or can be what you want to become. We're blessed and privileged to live in this modern progressive society that accepts individuals of different backgrounds.” 

— CPA PEP Facilitator

Samantha Taylor Samantha Taylor

When Accountants SHOULDN’T Count: CPA PEP Candidates

There is a lot of misinformation “out there” on the internet, including about CPA PEP. To counter this, I encourage candidates to activate their professional judgment skills.

To contextualize this, I will summarize a few instances that have recently come up on the discussion boards where I think candidates should perhaps focus their attention elsewhere.

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Samantha Taylor Samantha Taylor


The title pretty much gives it away: My motivation decided to take a vacation before I could. Like you, I am in school (I am completing my doctorate). And, like many of you, I also work. And attempt to have a life. As the Spring module era ends, despite loving what I do, with summer officially here and Canadian hockey now (sadly ☹) complete, I acknowledge the “mo(tivation) is lo.”

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Samantha Taylor Samantha Taylor

It’s OK that you’re not OK: CPAWSB Learner Support 

It’s OK that you’re not OK. That sentiment pretty much sums up my 2023. Between major injury, month-long forest fire evacuation, and my mom’s death, I have not been OK. My friend and colleague, a psychologist, suggested It’s OK that you’re not OK by Megan Devine when I asked what book she recommended to help me heal. In that book, Ms. Devine starts by discussing how death and grief are the great human equalizer. When you look in the eyes of another person who has lost a loved one, you see each other more deeply.

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Samantha Taylor Samantha Taylor

CPA Designations and Pizza: What dreams are made of

CPAWSB recently published 2023 CPAWSB's Candidate Journey eBook, a book I co-edited with talented CPAWSB staff. To introduce the eBook to the CPAWSB, I wanted to share a short story about my messy accounting designation journey to provide a glimpse into our eBook and its purpose.

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Samantha Taylor Samantha Taylor

The Arena: Part 2

This article is Part 2 of The Arena, a two-part series introducing the 2023 CPAWSB's Candidate Journey eBook a zero-cost resource for current and aspiring Canadian CPA PEP candidates. By deciding to pursue your CPA designation, you have entered the arena. It won’t be easy, but you aren’t alone. You have a whole network of support from your classmates, colleagues, online facilitators, session leaders, administrators, and resources, including our collection of articles in this book.

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Samantha Taylor Samantha Taylor

The Arena: Part 1

Welcome to the Chartered Professional Accountant Western School of Business (CPAWSB) and the Chartered Professional Education Program (CPA PEP). Welcome to The Arena. It was Day 1 of a CPA PEP workshop on a hot Saturday midsummer day. Our class of thirty learners was debriefing a case, discussing the required elements, what was missed, and why they were important. What started out as a discussion of audit procedures escalated when one candidate jumped out of his seat and yelled, “Why don’t you just teach me professional judgment if it is SO NECESSARY?” That was the moment I knew I had made it as an educator.

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Samantha Taylor Samantha Taylor

CPA PEP: Here for that

Contrary to popular belief [warning: sarcasm alert], most people are probably not “born” knowing they wanted to become accountants. Some find this calling after high school, others after an unrelated degree, while others may decide to become a Canadian CPA as a newcomer to Canada. Whatever your path, there is a path for you to become a CPA. This article will discuss the various “entry points” for candidates as they embark on their journey toward becoming a CPA.

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