“Thumbs up and liked. Confirms that the profession continues to evolve alongside the ever-changing society. All ranges of personalities can and should be able to fit the model of a CPA. Who is to say a certain personality cannot or can be what you want to become. We're blessed and privileged to live in this modern progressive society that accepts individuals of different backgrounds.”
— CPA PEP Facilitator
“P” is for Plagiarism FAQs: a short-video series
Have you ever found yourself “doom-scrolling” through your social media, wistfully wishing you would stumble across a formative value-added short video to help you complete your PEP module studies?
Wait no further! Here is your chance.
The Capstone Modules & Writing the CFE: Timing is Everything
Oxford Languages defines serendipity as “The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.” The trajectory of my career, my life, has been visited by these seemingly chance encounters.
Enough of Enough: A CPA’s Guide to Case-Writing Balance
If I did a bicep curl every time a candidate asked me how many Assessment Opportunities (AOs) there are and what level is required to pass the exam, I’d have to invest in more sleeveless shirts. While I wish there was a magic formula to share, there simply isn’t.
PEP-Check: Exploring Complementary Designations
Congratulations! You have passed your module exams, conquered the CFE, and completed your relevant work experience. Once your provincial CPA governing body gives you the go-ahead, you will officially be a CPA. Nice work.
Congrats! You’ve Got Your CPA, Now What?
A few years ago, I told a Capstone 2 candidate whom we’ll refer to as Becky that she may want to consider becoming a CPA educator after she became designated. I thought she would be good at it and have fun while doing it.
A sneak peek into the Power (of) BI & DAIS
Sort of sounds like magic, eh? It sort of is. Let me explain. Last year I wrote Picture This: DAIS & Power BI, outlining the tools CPA PEP candidates need to evaluate data analytics information systems (DAIS). CPA PEP candidates see DAIS during the modules, starting at Core 2, and could see testable competencies in exams.
Choosing your CPA PEP Electives, Part 2 - TX, AS, FN, and PM…oh my!
I like bonus things. Who doesn't? Here are a few for you to ponder after reading my advice in part 1 of this mini-series focused on my objective, CPA PEP-based guidance.
Choosing your CPA PEP Electives – Part 1: TXN, ASU, FIN, and PEM…oh my!
In his 2005 TED Talk, psychologist Barry Schwartz warns us too much choice does not lead to greater satisfaction. Fortunately for us, CPA PEP provides candidates with, in my opinion, just the right amount of choice for elective modules.
Gettin’ (and Stayin’) PEP-py: Registration Dates and Deadlines
At the School, we are occasionally asked why we don’t send email reminders for registration, workshops, and exams.
Wait – someone is asking why they aren’t receiving more emails?
Want to become a CPA? Getting you started on your CPA path
So, you want to become a CPA but are not quite sure how, if, or when to enroll? You have come to the right place. For this post, I teamed up with a Program Evaluator from CPAWSB’s Admission Services team.
The Subtle Art of Sarcasm: Why candidate professionalism at virtual workshops is ‘overrated’
We have ventured into this new year of 2022, and it is leaving a lot of us feeling those 2021 vibes. While I remain optimistic “the best is yet to come” in both this decade and our careers, I recognize that times are still difficult.
Effective Elective Planning: Part 3
In Part 3, I will end the Effective Elective Planning mini-series by discussing FAQs specific to elective modules and licensure.