It’s OK that you’re not OK: CPAWSB Learner Support 

It’s OK that you’re not OK. That sentiment pretty much sums up my 2023. Between major injury, month-long forest fire evacuation, and my mom’s death, I have not been OK. My friend and colleague, a psychologist, suggested It’s OK that you’re not OK by Megan Devine when I asked what book she recommended to help me heal. In that book, Ms. Devine starts by discussing how death and grief are the great human equalizer. When you look in the eyes of another person who has lost a loved one, you see each other more deeply.  

Through this post-loss lens, I now see the challenges candidates may face differently –inside and outside – of CPA PEP. As such, I would first like to share CPAWSB learner support resources and end with what I have learned in 2023.

CPAWSB resources 


Letting Go to Gain Control: The Paradox of CPA PEP Stress Management & Exam Laptops


CPA Designations and Pizza: What dreams are made of